Can I get Legal Aid for a Divorce or Family Matter?
Since 2013 the availability of Legal Aid has been reduced a
great deal. Family and divorce cases such as contact and residence for children
(access and custody) together with financial disputes have largely been removed
from legal aid scope.
In some very limited circumstances, such as cases involving
domestic violence, Legal Aid is still available. However even there it is not
enough to just say there has been domestic violence, because applications for that
legal aid have to be supported with evidence from official sources such as a
doctor or social worker.
Even if someone qualifies for Legal Aid because their family
matter is one of the few remaining in scope, applicants still have to pass a
means test which is quite stringent. It does not take a lot in terms of income
or capital assets to fail the means test.
Another problem is that lots of solicitors who previously
offered legal aid no longer do it. So it can be difficult to find a Legal Aid
solicitor in some areas of the country, even if you do qualify.
If you are a parent involved in childcare proceedings, then
Legal Aid without a means or merits test is still available. But it’s important
to appreciate that this only applies in childcare cases where the Local Authority
is seeking an order to take children into care or otherwise supervise them. It
does not apply to court proceedings where parents are in dispute with each
other over matters relating to their children and the Local Authority is not
So in summary, unless
it’s a Local Authority Care case or involves reported domestic violence, it’s
very unlikely that Legal Aid will be available for a family law matter. Even when
it is, applicants usually have to pass a means test and find a Legal Aid
If you cannot get Legal
Aid what are the other options?
It is possible to represent yourself in court proceedings.
Increasingly people are doing that because they cannot afford representation.
The court staff can help you fill in the right forms, but they cannot give you
legal advice or tell you how to run your case. Some free advice agencies such
as the Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to give guidance, but they usually
won’t represent you in Court.
There are mediation services which can be cheaper than going
through court proceedings, but even if you reach an agreement through mediation,
you may need a court order to approve it.
Some solicitors offer fixed price Family law services.
Sometimes those are in relation to just certain steps in a case. So, if you
have agreed everything with your spouse or ex-spouse and just need a court
order then a fixed fee service from a solicitor to get that may be a good
option. However, if you are discussing fixed fees check what it actually covers.
It may not cover everything that you need. A divorce fixed fee for example can
mean simply the divorce itself and not cover any disputes about children or finances.
So, check what the fixed fee does cover if you are looking at them with a
Some solicitors offer funding arrangements where you take out
a loan to pay your legal fees. Obviously, it is sensible to check the costs of
that loan and repayment arrangements.
Many people rely on financial support from family or friends
to assist with legal fees.
If you are paying legal fees yourself and you are not on a
fixed fee with your solicitor, you need to check and understand the arrangement
that you have. Some solicitors in family proceedings will wait for payment
until the end of the case but if you think that is what you have agreed, get it
in writing so that there is no dispute about that.
More commonly solicitors will just bill monthly for what they
have done, charged at an hourly rate. Often, they will require money upfront to
cover bills in advance. Hourly rates need to be treated carefully because a low
rate does not always mean a smaller bill. Someone doing the work quickly and
spending less hours on it may bill for a lower overall amount than someone who
charges a lower hourly rate but spends more hours on it.
Solicitors are now required to give their clients estimates of
their costs, so whatever the hourly rate the solicitor should give you some
idea of the overall likely bill and update you on that if the estimate changes.
But remember that is only an estimate and not a fixed fee. You need to be very
clear about the type of arrangement you have entered into with your solicitor, ensuring
that it is clear whether you have agreed a fixed fee arrangement for a certain amount
of work, or an estimate that may change.
Finally, in a very limited number of family cases Legal Expense Insurance may be available. Generally Legal Expense Insurance does not cover family work, but some insurers or membership organisations may cover certain types of cases. Legal Expense insurance can typically be found as part of other insurance policies such as your household insurance or can be part of memberships such as unions or professional associations. So, it is always worth checking your policies and memberships for legal cover.